One-to-One Giveback Program

Through our One-to-One giveback program, we aspire to level the playing field and close the digital gap for underrepresented individuals in the U.S. by donating a portion of each sale to STEM & youth-focused Non-Profit organizations; who in-turn deliver Technology-focused educational services to underrepresented youth.

African-Americans were 13% of the population and Hispanics were 15%, but their representation in the workforces of major tech companies in technical positions typically runs less than 3% and 5%, respectively.

The playing field isn’t level, but there’s a solution…


When you pay for one enrichment class for your child, we will donate to one Non-Profit organization that delivers technology-focused education to underrepresented youth. Here’s how it works:

Current Non-Profit partners include:

The heart and soul of the One-to-One giveback program are the parents. It’s simple — when you choose STEM for your child, you help level the playing field and close the digital gap in STEM for an underrepresented child in the U.S.

To start giving back, register your child for an enrichment class today.